SMA2 hacking notes 1.2 - By Oquendo ======================================= A lot of things are stored in the same way as in SMW, albeit with a few tweaks. As such, I won't go into detail if something works the same way as in SMW. ============== LEVELS ============== == Main pointer tables == The pointers are stored as 4-byte GBA pointers (which, simply put, is the normal PC address with $08 added as the highest byte) in little-endian byte order. Layer 1 data: $0F22CC Layer 2 data: $0F2AF0 Sprites data: $0F3314 Note that SMA2 has 521 levels (000-208), compared to SMW's 512 (000-1FF). The nine additional levels are the special Donut Plains 2 sublevels not found in SMW's main pointer table. == Primary level header == The level header is the first 7 bytes of the layer 1/2LV data. It has been changed slightly from SMW. -----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------- BBBL LLLL | SSSM MMMM | mmmm ssss | ttPP PFFF | IIOC TTTT | bbbb cccc | ???? ???? -----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------- BBB : BG Palette LLLLL : Level length SSS : Scroll type [1] MMMMM : Level mode mmmm : Music [2] ssss : Spriteset tt : Time PPP : Sprite Palette FFF : FG Palette II : Item memory O : Screen snap [3] C : Camera height [4] TTTT : Tileset bbbb : BG Color [5] cccc : Camera sensitivity [6] The purpose of the final byte is unknown. None of the standard levels have a value other than 00. 1) The scroll type has been expanded from two to three bits. The values are as follows: 000 : No vertical scroll 001 : Vertical scroll if running+jumping, climbing or standing high 010 : Vertical scroll at will (medium) 011 : No horizontal or vertical scroll 100 : Vertical scroll at will (within SNES screen) 101 : Vertical scroll at will (high) 110 : Vertical scroll at will (entire level) 111 : Vertical scroll at will (low) 2) The music has been expanded from three to four bits. The values are as follows: 0000 : Here we go! 0001 : Cave Drums 0010 : Piano 0011 : Castle 0100 : Ghost House 0101 : Water Level 0110 : Boss Battle 0111 : Switch Palace 1000 : Switch Palace 1001 : Bowser Battle The rest is either nothing or crashes. 3) The screen snap bit moves the camera to the center of the first screen in order to make rooms taking up a single screen look better on the limited screen. 4) If the camera height bit is cleared, the lowest point the camera will scroll to is the same as in SMW (hiding the lowest row of blocks). If set, the lowest point is a block higher than normal (hiding the two lowest rows of blocks). This is done to allow some levels to use the limited GBA screen more efficiently. 5) The BG color has been increased from three to four bits. The first 8 colors are the same as in SMW (albeit brighter like the rest of the game's palette). 6) This setting changes how sensitive the camera is, i.e. how high on the screen Mario has to be in order to start scrolling. == Secondary level header == Like in SMW, the secondary header bytes are not stored sequentially. First, there's a table with all levels' first byte, then one with all levels' second byte, etc. This header has also been changed slightly. The tables are stored in these locations: Byte 1 table: $0F3D44 Byte 2 table: $0F3F44 Byte 3 table: $0F4144 Byte 4 table: $0F4344 Byte 5 table: $0F4544 -----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------- SSSS YYYY | 33TT TXXX | MMMM BBBB | ???? FFFF | IUVP PPPP -----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------- SSSS : Layer 2 scroll settings YYYY : Level entrance Y position 33 : Layer 3 image TTT : Entrance type XXX : Level entrance X position MMMM : Midway entrance screen BBBB : Initial BG Y [1] FFFF : Initial FG Y [1] I : Disable no-Yoshi intro flag U : Unknown vertical position flag V : Vertical positioning flag PPPPP : Level entrance screen 1) The initial BG/FG Y settings have been expanded from two to four bits. == Layer 1/2LV data == Some blocks' sizes are for some reason stored in a different way from SMW. The known instances of this: * Wooden log - The nibbles of the size bits have changed places. (Thus, if it was 1A in SMW, it would be A1 in SMA2.) * Arch ledge - Okay, Nintendo screwed this one up big time. The table below shows how many arches are placed for certain values. (V = Value, A = Arches in SMA2, W = Arches in SMW) V A W ------------ 00 2 256 01 1 1 02 3 2 03 4 3 04 5 4 05 6 5 ...etc... == Sprite level data == Sprite data (including the header) seems to be stored in the same way, with a few exceptions: * Sprite $C9 and above in SMW have been moved three steps forward to $CC and above. * In that opening, three new sprites have been placed: $C9 - Coin collection block (from DP1), $CA - Yoshi Coin, $CB - Yoshi Coin (behind fence). * One or more 4-byte sprites have been added. All normal SMW sprites (including the three SMA2 ones mentioned above) still seem to be 3 bytes long, though. * SMA2 requires all sprites to be stored sorted according to their global X coordinate. (Y coordinate, I assume, for vertical levels) == Secondary level entrances == Like the secondary headers, this data is also split up into five separate tables, starting at $F4744. Five byte tables, each with 512 entries. -----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------- DDDD DDDD | FFFF YYYY | ???? BBBB | XXXS SSSS | I??? ?AAA -----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------- DDDDDDDD : Destination level FFFF : Initial FG Y [1] YYYY : Mario Y position BBBB : Initial BG Y [1] SSSSS : Destination screen XXX : Mario X position I : Slippery level AAA : Mario Action 1) The initial BG/FG Y settings have been expanded from two to four bits. SMA2 midway entrances Level 7 (#2 Morton's Castle) - Level E7 main entrance Level A (Donut Secret 1) - Level A at X=61, Y=17 Level B (Vanilla Fortress) - Level E0 at X=20, Y=8 Level E (#4 Ludwig's Castle) - Level DB main entrance Level 1D (Chocolate Island 4) - Level 1D at X=88, Y=A Level 1F (Forest Fortress) - Level D6 main entrance Level 20 (#5 Roy's Castle) - Level 20 at X=98, Y=12 Level 21 (Choco-Ghost House) - Level 21 at X=C2, Y=16 Level 107 (Vanilla Ghost House) - Standard midway entrance on screen 8 Level 111 (Valley Fortress) - Level 111 at X=89, Y=15 Level 11D (Forest Ghost House) - Level 11D at X=A2, Y=16 Level 120 (Forest of Illusion 2) - Level 120 at X=61, Y=8 Notes: - Some coordinates here may be incorrect due to changes in object positioning. - All midway entrances are "do nothing" entrances, even in water levels. - Level A, 1D, 20, and 120's midway entrances match the X-coordinate of the main entrance, but not the Y-coordinate. - Level 21's midway entrance matches the Y-coordinate of the main entrance, but not the X-coordinate. - There are still no midpoints in the Star World, the Special World, or vertical levels. OK, new discovery-- As I somewhat suspected, SMA2's midway entrances use a different setting for their X/Y position. (However, they still use the screen number setting from the original header.) I was testing my ported level 105, and died after the midpoint. I restarted from level 105's original midway entrance, not my new midway entrance (which was directly above the old one). I then tried changing the midway screen from 9 to A, and Mario started on screen A, but was still at the original coordinates. (I wonder where the midway entrances are located? I would guess that they're stored in a similar way as secondary entrances...) --- Edit: After scanning through the secondary header 3rd bytes, it seems that the screen numbers are correct for all of SMA2's new midway entrances. For example, level E7's main entrance (which is the same as level 7's midway entrance) is on screen 7, and level 7's midway entrance is set to screen 7. --- Edit 2: After some more testing, it seems that entrance types are still carried over from the main entrance to the midway entrance. However (as I mentioned earlier), Mario starts out standing still in water level midway entrances (entrance type 7), instead of exiting from a pipe. --- Edit 3: Something different now. I was experimenting with changing the default timer values ([00 02 03 04] at xD96C4 if anyone's interested). When I changed the 00 to 03, the castle intro scenes had 300 time, as expected. The timer counts down during the intro scene, but resets when the level actually begins. However, after the change, the castle intro scenes for Front Door and Back Door had 800 and 600 time (the same as the actual levels). (The timer still reset when the level actually began, though.) Also, the bonus game timer remained at 0. (Also, I discovered that although you can exit Front Door from the pause menu after you win the game, that's not true for Back Door. It may just be a programming oversight, but it gets me wondering if Front Door's event activates when you win the game (causing the castles to be rebuilt).) OK, that's definitely useful. I wonder where the two extra music settings are stored (and why they exist in the first place)... The standard music values (02 06 01 08 07 03 05 12) still exist at xD96C8. Also, the standard timer values (00 02 03 04) still exist at xD96C4 (even though timer 0 is unused in SMA2 as far as I know). Front Door and Back Door must have a special setting then... (Edit: Timer 0 is used for the castle/etc. intro scenes. I doubt it would be a problem though to change it to a different value.) (By the way, I think there's a small mistake in the level number section-- it's Chocolate Island 2, not Donut Plains 2, right?) One question-- In vertical levels, is the highest Y-position bit instead used as the highest X-position bit? Edit 2: I wonder how the GBA level names are stored... I did a search for 120402110413 ("SECRET") as well as some other portions of level titles, and although they are in SNES SMW, they were not found in SMA2... (I suspect the level names were re-coded to allow for the exit checklist (accessed by pressing Select), which has different spacing. (Among other things, "Yellow Switch Palace" is evenly spaced on that screen.) --- Edit 3: If I find interesting things regarding SMA2 hacking, where would I post them? For example, I've found that the boxes on the results screen correspond to the event numbers, not the particular levels. (When I obtained a secret exit in Yoshi's Island 1, the box for Yellow Switch Palace became filled.) Also, message blocks no longer destroy Layer 3 water-- it only vanishes temporarily. INTERESTING THINGS - I've found that the boxes on the results screen correspond to the event numbers, not the particular levels. (When I obtained a secret exit in Yoshi's Island 1, the box for Yellow Switch Palace became filled.) - Message blocks no longer destroy Layer 3 water (though the water still vanishes temporarily). - Level names are not stored in the same way as the original SMW. (No idea how they are stored, though.) - The number 0 was removed from the available characters in message blocks-- the message about the 30-coin star block now uses a capital O. In Donut Secret 2, around screen 9, the screen will scroll a bit strangely if you're on the upper level. (Maybe this is a new sprite?) - Front Door and Back Door have timers of 800 and 600, respectively, but these appear not to exist in the header. - Also, there's an undocumented new sprite-- the rotating platforms (1 or 3) with a Dragon Coin that appear in Donut Plains 3, Chocolate Island 3, and Star World 4. (These platforms may be a variant of the existing rotating platforms though.) Information that would be useful (in approximate order of priority): √ How object/sprite data is stored (a list of all objects/extended objects/sprites would be nice as well, though I could get that from Lunar Magic) √ How screen exits are stored √ How level headers are stored - How messages are stored (which hex values correspond to each character, what determines which level they're used in, etc.-- this is for message blocks and castle destruction scenes) Edit: I located some GBA messages and worked out the character values for myself. (The castle destruction scene messages are in a different format though-- I couldn't find them.) - How level names are stored (I've heard SMW has a convoluted way of generating level names, but I could still rename a level something like "Yoshi's Secret Area", "Forest of Illusion 5", or "Chocolate Plains 1", right?) Edit: I found this for SMW (it was in the ROM map), but SMA2's level names are apparently stored in a different format. (Hopefully an easier-to-use format.) - How Layer 1 overworld data is stored (this would be for modifying map icons, though it would also be nice to change event numbers if I feel like giving a 1-exit level a secret exit instead of a normal exit) (I would also need pointer locations, but I could probably find them on my own by searching for hex values-- GBA pointers are pretty simple as far as I know.) (By the way, remember that I'm asking about how they're stored without any of Lunar Magic's modifications.) I've found the SMA2 level names Or at least, the graphics of them. It appears they begin at x13FE90. (Note that you need to manually enter the offset in YY-CHR-- the graphics will be staggered strangely if you use the scroll bar.) And it appears that the SMA2 level names are just as convoluted as the SMW level names. (It appears to me that they're stored as varying-length strings of 8x8 tiles.) The first image is 13FE90; the second is 141E90 I would guess everything from x10A4F0 or so to x30066F is graphics. (Some of it shows up in YY-CHR as graphics (though you may need to use strange offsets like 118454 to make them line up); and other parts show up as what appears to be compressed graphics-- that is, there are gradients and such in the pixels, but no obvious pattern.) LEVEL DIFERENCES Level header: SMW: 33 40 08 80 27 SMA2: 33 40 08 80 07 22 00 Aside from the two new bytes that SMA2 adds to the level header (I have yet to determine how exactly these bytes work), the only change is disabling vertical scroll, supporting my theory that this property is now decided by the extra bytes. The pointer to Level 105 is there : PC Offset : 0xf26e0 Pointers starts at 0xf22cc and ends at 0xf3b37. 6252 bytes. There are Layer 1, Layer 2 and Sprite Data like SMW, so i do this : 6252 / 3 = 2084. A Pointer does 4 bytes, so : 2084 / 4 = 521. 521 Levels. There are plenty of differences between the versions. (Probably the most noticeable is that the GBA version uses the power-up system found in most Mario sidescrollers (get hit as fiery or caped and become Super, not small).) Though for hacking purposes, one of the more relevant differences is that it seems midway entrances can be anywhere... (Try dying after the midpoint in Morton's Castle or Ludwig's Castle, among others. Actually, try dying after any midpoint that wasn't in the original-- I do not believe most of the new midway entrances line up with the main entrances.) Also, it seems the timer bonus glitch was fixed, at least considering the x100 and x200 bonuses on bosses and the Special World, and the x500 bonus on Bowser. (Also, Bowser's Castle has a starting timer of 800 for the Front Door and 600 for the Back Door.) Then there are a few new ways that Dragon Coins are placed. Besides the Dragon Coins in front of and behind fences, there are Dragon Coins on the moving platforms in Donut Plains 3 / Chocolate Island 3 / Star World 4. And there are moving Dragon Coins in some castles (though that may just be Layer 2). Also, Yoshi can stand on anything that Mario can stand on. And Yoshi runs slower when Mario is knocked off. And Yoshi will move if he's standing still and Mario tries to walk through him. And Yoshi will not turn blue with Yoshi wings, but you can get any color Yoshi (that you've rescued) from Yoshi blocks. I found there being some connections between Lunar Magic itself and SMA2. A Few times back I thought I could find astounding discoveries if I opened the EXE on a HEX Editor, being a total nut, I had no idea that all I would find was just about nothing. However, there were some interesting ASCII strings around 8C4E0. -This sprite command is valid for SMA2 only, and should not be used in other games. -This sprite command is valid for SMA2 only, and should not be used in other games. -This sprite command is valid for SMA2 only, and should not be used in other games. -This sprite command is valid for SMA2 only, and should not be used in other games. -This sprite command is valid for SMA2 only, and should not be used in other games. -A yellow octagonal block with a picture of a coin on it. When hit, it gives you a display of how many coins are in the area that haven't been collected yet. If you collect them all, you get an extra 3-UP. If the sprite is used in a level that doesn't support it, the block simply bounces away and vanishes when hit. This is a new sprite that is only available in SMA2. -A Yoshi coin implemented as a Sprite. This is a new sprite that is only available in SMA2. By opening the Lunar Magic executable in a hex editor, one can find interesting things, including *.gba files grouped in with the dialogue for Open ROM, and information on several sprites from SMA2. By modifying the executable, it is, in fact, possible to have GBA files available for selection there. The results are very interestings NEW EDITION: SMA2 SPRITES I'DS Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Code 00 - Mario 01 - Luigi Quantity Digits to Accompany Power Up Modifier Codes 00 - Normal Power 01 - Mushroom Power 02 - Fire Power 03 - Cape Power Quantity Digits to Accompany Have In Reserve Modifier Code 01 - Mushroom 02 - Flower 03 - Star 04 - Feather 05 - 1-up 06 - Vine 07 - Really Weird Thing 0A - P-balloon 0B - Flying Coin 0C - Flying Mushroom 0D - Flying Key (It Hurts You) 0E - Changing Powerup 10 - Left Flying Coin Block 11 - Right Flying Coin Block 13 - Wiggler 14 - Cloud Box 16 - Giant Crusher 1C - Strange Platform 1D - Green Blob From Ghost House 1E - Chargin Chuck 26 - Volcano Plant 27 - Sumo Bros 29 - Flying Hammer Bros 2A - Goomba Inside Bubble 2B - Spike Ball On Chain 2C - Banzai Bill 2D - Strange Lightnigh Storm 2F - Mecha Koopa 30 - Rotating Platform 38 - Rex 3B - Fishing Boo 3C - Block Buddy 3E - Right Moving Block 44 - Slanted Moving Playform 46 - Info Box 4A - Koopa Without Shell 4B - Swooper 4D - Falling Platform 4E - Right Moving Flying Platform 4F - Green Fish 50 - Porcupuffer 55 - Red Question Block 56 - Coin Cointer 57 - Yoshi Coin 5B - Instant Death A3 - Fish 95 - Flying Green Koopa 91 - Green Koopa 92 - Red Koopa 93 - Blue Koopa 96 - Hopping Green Koopa 97 - Flying Red Koopa 99 - Flying Yellow Koopa 9B - Keyhole 9C - Goomba 9D - Hopping Goomba A0 - Spike Shell AC - Magic Koopa AD - Magic Blast/magic Koopa AE - Falling Coin B3 - Thwomp B4 - Little Thwomp B5 - Big Boo BC - Trampoline BD - ThrowingBone Guy BF - Normal Bone Guy C2 - Green Yoshi C5 - Ghost CA - Sleeping Fish CC - Parachuting Goomba CD - Parachuting Bomb DC - Pirana Plant E3 - Moving Platform E6 - Floding Platform F7 - Coin Cloud FB - Big Dino FC - Small Dino Quantity Digits to Accompany Have Yoshi Modifier Code 00 - No Yoshi 01 - Yellow Yoshi With Blue Yoshi Abilities 02 - Grey Yoshi With Yellow Yoshi Abilities 04 - Yellow Yoshi 06 - Blue Yoshi 08 - Red Yoshi 0A - Green Yoshi 0C - Dark Grey Yoshi 0E - Aqua Yoshi MORE YOSHIS COLORS White Body, Orange boots. 316b042e0121 Yellow Body,Red boots. 75e2343cc521 Blue body,red boots. 31e243c0521 Red body, red boots. 7d6a1c26c969 These will automaticly work, but it does not work On the title screen. Green Yoshi (Normal Color) 396b0c260000 Grey Yoshi, Red boots 7de23c34d69 *Multi Yoshi** 39e32c340d6 GFX ID'S Address Length Description GFX: All GFX are in 4bpp GBA format and (mostly) use the standard SMW palettes. Use YY-CHR. 0A8AF0 39,648 Mario Bros. 0D3320 3,328 more Mario Bros. 12EE90 ??? Super Mario World (Title screen, text, status bar, layer 3 BGs) 134E90 4,096 GFX2A 135E90 4,096 GFX0D? 136E90 4,096 GFX10 137E90 4,096 GFX08 138E90 4,096 GFX0D? 177A54 28,672 Mario/Yoshi 17EA54 28,672 Luigi/Yoshi 185A54 10,752 GFX33 188454 4,096 GFX00 (M) 189454 4,096 GFX00 (L) 18A454 4,096 GFX01 18B454 4,096 GFX02 18C454 4,096 GFX04 18D454 4,096 GFX05 18E454 4,096 GFX06 18F454 4,096 GFX07 190454 4,096 GFX09 191454 4,096 GFX0A 192454 4,096 GFX0B 193454 4,096 ? 194454 4,096 GFX0C 195454 4,096 GFX0E 196454 4,096 GFX0F? 197454 4,096 GFX11 198454 4,096 GFX13 199454 4,096 GFX0F? 19A454 4,096 GAME OVER, MARIO/LUIGI START!, BONUS GAME, TIME UP! 19B454 4,096 GFX2F 19C454 4,096 GFX14? 19D454 4,096 GFX15 19E454 4,096 GFX16 19F454 4,096 GFX17 1A0454 4,096 GFX18 1A1454 4,096 GFX19 1A2454 4,096 GFX1A 1A3454 4,096 GFX1B 1A4454 4,096 GFX14? 1A5454 4,096 GFX1C? 1A6454 4,096 GFX1D 1A7454 4,096 GFX1E 1A8454 4,096 GFX1F 1A9454 4,096 GFX21 1AA454 4,096 GFX22? 1AB454 4,096 GFX27 1AC454 4,096 GFX1C? 1AD454 4,096 GFX1D 1AE454 4,096 GFX20 1AF454 4,096 GFX22? 1B0454 4,096 GFX22? 1B1454 4,096 GFX23 1B2454 4,096 GFX24? 1B3454 4,096 GFX25 1B4454 4,096 GFX26 1B5454 4,096 GFX2C 1B6454 4,096 GFX2D 1B7454 4,096 GFX2E 1B8454 4,096 GFX24? 1B9454 4,096 GFX30 1BA454 4,096 GFX31 Palettes: SNES/GBA format. Use SNESPal. D5964 ? palettes Misc: A0 12 ROM name (SUPER MARIOB) 300850 1,046,447 empty (filled with 0) EDIT:explanations added This is not complete. PARALEL SPRITES ID'S # Description Code 1E Enable Code (Must Be On) 0000E74D 000A 100014C0 0007 Super Mario World Codes 1 Press Up+L For Balloon Mode On 74000130 01BF 82000202 0001 72000202 0001 8300369E 00C0 72000202 0001 83003AFA 007D 72000202 0001 83003AFC 000B 2 Press Down+L For Balloon Mode Off 74000130 017F 82000202 0000 74000130 017F 8300369E 0001 3 Hungry Yoshi (Do Not Use Tongue On) 330036AA 0038 4 Every Pink Berry Makes Yoshi Lay A Cloud 330036CE 0001 5 Every Red Berry Makes Yoshi Lay A Egg 330036CD 0004 6 Eat One Enemy For Yoshi To Grow 33003A41 0004 7 Bounce Off Enemies 33003FA0 0000 8 Moon Jump 74000130 03FE 33003FAD 00C0 9 Max Speed 33003FE6 0070 10 Invincible 3300402D 0003 11 Infinite Lives 330042BC 0063 12 Map Time 00:00:00 330042F8 0000 330042F9 0000 330042FA 0000 13 Character Modifier 330042FC 00?? 14 Press Select For 99 Bonus Stars 74000130 03FB 330042FD 0063 15 Max Coins 330042FF 0064 16 Power Up Modifier 33004300 00?? 17 Have In Reserve Modifier 33004301 00?? 18 Have Yoshi Modifier 3300433E 00?? 19 Press Select For 4 Dragon Coins 74000130 03FB 330054CB 0004 20 Have 5 Dragon Coins 330054CB 0005 21 Always Have Star Power 330054D0 00FF 22 Infinite Time 330054E4 0009 23 Press Select+L+R To End Level 74000130 00FB 330055C8 00FF Mario Bros. Codes 24 Max Score 83004220 869F 83004222 0001 25 Phase Modifier 33004648 00?? 26 Infinite Lives 33004669 0063 27 Invincibility 33006045 0001 Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Code 00 - Mario 01 - Luigi Quantity Digits to Accompany Power Up Modifier Codes 00 - Normal Power 01 - Mushroom Power 02 - Fire Power 03 - Cape Power Quantity Digits to Accompany Have In Reserve Modifier Code 01 - Mushroom 02 - Flower 03 - Star 04 - Feather 05 - 1-up 06 - Vine 07 - Really Weird Thing 0A - P-balloon 0B - Flying Coin 0C - Flying Mushroom 0D - Flying Key (It Hurts You) 0E - Changing Powerup 10 - Left Flying Coin Block 11 - Right Flying Coin Block 13 - Wiggler 14 - Cloud Box 16 - Giant Crusher 1C - Strange Platform 1D - Green Blob From Ghost House 1E - Chargin Chuck 26 - Volcano Plant 27 - Sumo Bros 29 - Flying Hammer Bros 2A - Goomba Inside Bubble 2B - Spike Ball On Chain 2C - Banzai Bill 2D - Strange Lightnigh Storm 2F - Mecha Koopa 30 - Rotating Platform 38 - Rex 3B - Fishing Boo 3C - Block Buddy 3E - Right Moving Block 44 - Slanted Moving Playform 46 - Info Box 4A - Koopa Without Shell 4B - Swooper 4D - Falling Platform 4E - Right Moving Flying Platform 4F - Green Fish 50 - Porcupuffer 55 - Red Question Block 56 - Coin Cointer 57 - Yoshi Coin 5B - Instant Death A3 - Fish 95 - Flying Green Koopa 91 - Green Koopa 92 - Red Koopa 93 - Blue Koopa 96 - Hopping Green Koopa 97 - Flying Red Koopa 99 - Flying Yellow Koopa 9B - Keyhole 9C - Goomba 9D - Hopping Goomba A0 - Spike Shell AC - Magic Koopa AD - Magic Blast/magic Koopa AE - Falling Coin B3 - Thwomp B4 - Little Thwomp B5 - Big Boo BC - Trampoline BD - ThrowingBone Guy BF - Normal Bone Guy C2 - Green Yoshi C5 - Ghost CA - Sleeping Fish CC - Parachuting Goomba CD - Parachuting Bomb DC - Pirana Plant E3 - Moving Platform E6 - Floding Platform F7 - Coin Cloud FB - Big Dino FC - Small Dino Quantity Digits to Accompany Have Yoshi Modifier Code 00 - No Yoshi 01 - Yellow Yoshi With Blue Yoshi Abilities 02 - Grey Yoshi With Yellow Yoshi Abilities 04 - Yellow Yoshi 06 - Blue Yoshi 08 - Red Yoshi 0A - Green Yoshi 0C - Dark Grey Yoshi 0E - Aqua Yoshi Invulnerability: 3300402D 0003 Unlimited Lives: 330042BC 0063 Bounce off enemies: 33003FA0 0000 Max Speed: 33003FE6 0070 Every Pink Berry makes Yoshi lay a cloud: 330036CE 0001 Every Pink Berry makes Yoshi lay an Egg: 330036CD 0004 Eat an enemy to make Yoshi Grow: 33003A41 0004 Max Coins: 330042FF 0064 Constant Charged Super Jumps: 33001C7F 003C Have 5 Dragon Coins: 330054CB 0005 Always have Star Power: 330054D0 00FF Unlimited Time: 330054E4 0009 First Fireball stays near ground: 0300328E 0001 Second Fireball stays near ground: 03003272 0001 Mario has Normal Power: 33004300 0000 Mario has Mushroom Power: 33004300 0001 Mario has Fire Power: 33004300 0002 Mario has Cape Power: 33004300 0003 Press L + Up to turn Balloon Mode On 74000130 01BF 82000202 0001 72000202 0001 8300369E 00C0 72000202 0001 83003AFA 007D 72000202 0001 83003AFC 000B Press Down + L for Balloon Mode Off 74000130 017F 82000202 0000 74000130 017F 8300369E 0001 Max Jump 74000130 03FE 33003FAD 00C0 Map Time Always 00:00 330042F8 0000 330042F9 0000 330042FA 0000 Press Select for 99 Bonus Stars 74000130 03FB 330042FD 0063 Press Select for 4 Dragon Coins 74000130 03FB 330054CB 0004 Press Select + L + R to end level 74000130 00FB 330055C8 00FF Exit Level; Normal Exit 330054C5 0000 330055C7 0000 330055C8 0001 Exit Level; Secondary Exit 330054C5 0001 330055C7 0000 330055C8 0001